Saturday, May 17, 2008

not that "Little Dragon"

Has any of you ever heard about a Swedish band called "Little Dragon"? I suppose not, but neither have I. Not until this week.

It all started when a friend of mine recommended to me a band which I liked very much, and to my great surprise and happiness I had discovered that they were having a concert in Poznan this week - on Thursday in SQ club in Stary Browar. That was one of the best concerts that I have recently been to. It was more something you could call a "close-circle party" only for people who really knew the music and recognized the name of the band (but I hope that I was not the only exception;)) But after an hour I completely fell in love with their music and the atmosphere during the concert. Even now, while writing this post I am listening to both tranquilizing and energizing rythms of their songs.
The band consists of four people, a girl (who is a vocal) and three guys who look like real Vikings and play the drums, bass and keyboard. The music they make is a kind of mixture of folk, jazz, electro, soul and more or less everything. But nevertheless, I do recommend! :)

little dragon at


Monika said...

I hate to say, I haven't heard about them, too. Well, the song is OK but the singer somehow interferes with my image of a Swedish blonde :) That's how I imagine Scandinavia... ;)

Karolina said...

That is a model of swedish family! :D but something in this video is so true, they really can be so emotionless at times:)